Moving to a new country, where exciting opportunities are awaiting you can be fun, however, for those who haven’t been abroad or haven’t stayed in a foreign land for a significant amount of time, abruptly leaving your life and going somewhere else can be very difficult. Especially for students who have spent their whole lives with their families, it can be challenging to live somewhere else on your own. This has been the case for many students who choose to go abroad for their academics. Having lived their whole lives dependent on someone else, such drastic change in their way of life could be a massive hurdle.
Canada is a diverse country. Specifically, the student community in universities welcomes people from all around the world. One must always remember that everyone in their first years is just as nervous as you are. The daunting prospect of being unable to adapt is the same for all because everyone there is seeking new experiences away from their families and people/things that they’ve known their entire lives. However, one must definitely put in the effort to adapt and blend in as much as one can,
One of the ways in which you can adapt can be by being involved in various student activities. Student-led clubs, organizations, and societies might be a good way to do so. Through these bodies, you can find like-minded people you might want to be friends with. In universities, where everyone wants to learn something new, the plethora of ideas and discussions that take place are limitless, so there’s a great chance that you might find your home away from home in college.
Something else one might want to be a part of is the regional student organizations. For example- the Nepali students’ association. These organizations help you find people who are from the same regional background as you. These sorts of organizations host cultural events, food mixers, etc which might help you feel less homesick. Of course, there’s no substitution to home, but this might be the closest one can get to it.
Amidst all the chaos of starting university, one should also remember to keep in touch with their family. One should talk to people they miss, however in a healthy amount as one should remember that their new and a life full of prospects is right where they are right now. One must also take time to explore their surroundings. There might be an uncountable number of things one is yet to witness, and visiting someplace new is always fun, so one must take out their time to do this.
Leaving the bubble one has been living in all their lives can be scary, however, the only way one can go is up, so explore, learn, and be involved in as many activities as you can, while balancing your academics.
We are here to answer your queries and assist you to accomplish your dream to abroad study with our expert team.